A Look Back Tarot Spread


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Use this spread to look over the past year and reflect on what to work on the year ahead. This spread can be used for career, relationships, business, witchcraft practice, life in general, etc.

1. Overall energy of the last year

This card captures the essence and overarching theme of the past year. It reflects the dominant energies, emotions, and experiences that have shaped your journey over the last twelve months.

2. Lessons of the past year

This card highlights the key lessons and wisdom gained from the past year. It represents the knowledge and insights you have acquired through your experiences.

3. Your biggest transformations from the year

This card reveals the most significant changes and transformations you underwent during the past year. It indicates areas of personal development, shifts in perspective, or major life changes.

4. What needs to be left in order to grow

This card identifies what you need to release or let go of to facilitate further growth and progress. It may point to outdated beliefs, habits, relationships, or situations that are no longer serving you.

5. Goals for the next year

This card represents your aspirations and goals for the upcoming year. It provides guidance on what to focus on and what you aim to achieve in the next twelve months.

6. What to take into the next year

This card highlights the qualities, strengths, and positive energies you should carry forward into the new year. It represents the tools and attributes that will support your journey ahead.


Moving Forward Tarot Spread