Shipping Policy

  • All our products are typically made to order and ship within 7-14 business days (M-F) from date of purchase.

  • We currently only ship within the US through USPS ground shipping.

  • Once processed, orders arrive within 5-7 days but sometimes sooner.

  • We are not responsible for any products that get damaged during shipping.

  • We are not responsible for lost packages once they are dropped off at the post office.

  • If there’s a delay in your order, please check the tracking information provided in your order confirmation email. We cannot be responsible for carrier delays.

  • If items arrive damaged or broken and there is no shipping insurance, please contact me at within 3 days of your delivery date with your order number and attached photo proof of the broken/damaged items + packing slip in your shipment. Once this is done, we can discuss the next steps.

Have a problem with your order? Check out our full return policy.

Still have questions? Reach out on our contact page.