Lammas Tarot Spread


The Lammas Spread offers a thoughtful way to contemplate the bountiful harvest season and the abundance in one’s life. Through a carefully designed six-card spread, this tool provides insights into ongoing changes and future opportunities. It serves as a guide to comprehend the present moment and prepare for what the future holds.

1- What Has Harvested

This card symbolizes the recent successes and rewards you’ve obtained. It showcases the results of your hard work and the achievements worth celebrating at this moment.

2- The Abundance in My Life

The card uncovers the areas in your life where abundance is most prevalent. It highlights the blessings, resources, and positive aspects that you can express gratitude for.

3- What Is Beginning to Change

This card represents the beginning of changes in your life. It could indicate new opportunities, shifts in perspective, or upcoming challenges that you should keep an eye on.

4- What Is Still Maturing

This card highlights the areas of your life that are currently in the process of growth and development. It serves as a reminder of the continuous dedication and patience needed for these aspects to fully flourish.

5- Where Can My Skills Be Shared

This card points out the areas where your special talents and abilities can benefit others. It motivates you to consider how you can make a difference in your community or support those around you.

6- Message from Lugh

Here’s the message on the card from Lugh, the Celtic god of craftsmanship, skills, and harvest. It provides guidance, inspiration, or a reminder that is especially pertinent to your current journey.


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