Ostara (The Spring Equinox)

Ostara (oh-staa-ruh) is a modern Pagan holiday that celebrates the spring equinox. The equinox is celebrated around March 20th-22nd in the northern hemisphere and September 20th-22nd in the southern hemisphere. During this time the length of night and day are equal.

Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Ēostre but she may have been avariant of Ishtar. Not much is historically known about the goddess and the name Ostara was first invented by Jacob Grimm in 1835. Just because something is not historical doesn’t mean it can’t be meaningful spiritually.

The English monk Bede made the lone mention of Ēostre in early literature in his De temporum ratione, also known as “The Reckoning of Time,” written in the seventh or eighth century. He stated that feasts honoring Ēostre had once been celebrated by Pagan Anglo-Saxons during Ēosturmōnaþ (the lunar month of March/April), but that the custom had long since faded by the time of his writing.

Ostara is associated with fertility, rebirth, beginnings, growth, transition, and sexuality. After the dormancy of winter, nature beings to reawaken and regrow. Days have become longer than nights. This is the time to set intentions, goals, clear things out to make a new. Common symbols associated during this time are eggs, rabbits, seeds, and flowers.



NH: March 20-22 SH: September 20-22

Colors: Gold, Light Blue, Light Green, Light Pink, Yellow

Decor: Baskets, Cauldron, Eggs, Flowers, Four Leaf Clover, Rabbits, Ribbons, Seeds

Animals: Bees, Butterflies, Chickens, Horses, Lambs, Rabbits, Snakes

Rituals: Abundance, Balance, Beginnings, Cleansing, Fertility, Growth, Goals, Rebirth, Transition

Herbs: Cedar, Chamomile, Clover, Daffodil, Elder, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lemongrass, Lavender, Lilac, Mint, Orange, Patchouli, Peonies, Pine, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tansy, Thyme, Tulips, Vervain, Vetivert, Violet, Willow

Crystals: Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Lapis Lazuli, Mookaite Jasper, Moonstone, Moss Agate, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Tigers Eye, Unakite


Ways to Celebrate 

  • Plant seeds or a garden

  • Decorate eggs with natural dyes and draw sigils or symbols on them

  • Do some deep spring cleaning of your altar space

  • Pull some cards on the energy of this season

  • Make offerings to deities, your guides, land spirits and ancestors

  • Bake egg based dishes and desserts

  • Spend time in nature connecting with the spirits of the land

  • Set intentions and goals

  • Take a cleansing ritual bath


Ostara Tarot Spread


A Look Back Tarot Spread